DEME Bengel & Deugniet split barges

Project 18050 DEME Bengel Deugniet Split Hopper Barge (2)

3 500 m3 split hopper barges

The latest designs are the BENGEL and DEUGNIET for Belgian based DEME. These vessels are derived from a product line of split barges which Vuyk has developed for Royal IHC prior to this project.

From our history as a shipbuilder, we have a tradition of designing split barges. This started with smaller, non-propelled vessels in the old days, and over the years developed to the current state-of-the-art self-propelled designs. The barges were built primarily for the transport of dredged material to offshore spoil sites.

For this product line, the main focus was on low fuel consumption, due to a low resistance hull shape, in combination with a high carrying capacity. Split hoppers are generally deployed in dredging operations in combination with other large cutter suction and backhoe dredgers. They are praised for their ease and speed of unloading. We are very pleased to have worked on the rascals Bengel and Deugniet.

Design Scope

  • Concept design
  • Basic design
  • Detail design and purchasing assistance