DEME Bonny River TSHD

Project 15332 DEME Bonny River (5)

Bonny River is a dredging vessel owned and operated by the Belgian company DEME. The vessel is equipped with a trailing suction dredging system, which allows it to remove sediment and other materials.

Bonny River was launched in 2018. The Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger (TSHD) has a capacity of about 15,000 m3 and a maximum dredging depth of 102 meters.

Bonny River is primarily used for dredging and land reclamation projects, as well as for maintaining and deepening shipping channels. It is considered one of the most advanced dredgers in the world, and is capable of working in deep waters and challenging conditions. Bonny River is a versatile TSHD. With a closed water circuit process, turbulence is minimised as much as possible. The hydrodynamic hull and the dual-fuel engines (both diesel and LNG) significantly reduces the CO2 footprint for this type of vessel.

Vuyk Engineering Rotterdam developed the basic design of the trailing suction hopper dredger. Picture courtesy of DEME Group.

Facts about Bonny River:

  • Construction Year: 2018
  • Length over all: 158.20 m
  • Breath over all: 30.00 m
  • Dredging depth: 30.50, 74.00, 102.00 m
  • Hopper capacity: 15.000 m3