The worldwide developments in the offshore wind market, increases the demand for scour protection and seabed preparation around fixed offshore structures. Also the protection of power cables around windfarms requires rock coverage where cable burial is not possible.
To fulfil the request for smart and efficient rock installation solutions, Vuyk developed a modular rock installation system in close cooperation with Seatools, the specialist in underwater technologies. The philosophy is a modular system which, dependent on market developments and customer strategy, can be upgraded in capacity and extended in functionality. With a modular arrangement, the basic modules can be supplemented at any moment in the system lifetime.
Features modular rock installation system
- Modular system;
- Inclined and vertical operations;
- Variable waterdepth’s;
- ROV controlled rock dumping;
- High workability;
- Easy to install on vessel of opportunity;
- Skiddable tower
Inclined fall pipe setup
- Inclined pipe diameter: 1.50 m
- Max. working depth single pipe: 40 m
- Max. working depth telescope: 50 m
- Rock dump capacity: 1000 ton / hour
Design particulars:
- Operated by winches only;
- Vertical launching in high sea states;
- Working over vessel stern or side;
- Survey system at end of pipe
Flexible fallpipe setup
- Bucket diameter: 1.20 m
- Maximum working depth: 200 m
- Rock dump capacity: 1000 ton / hour
Design particulars:
- Working over stern, side or through vessels moonpool;
- Patented bucket handling system.