Pioneering Spirit Hull Connection Beam

Project Allseas Hull connection beam

Design of the HCB for Pioneering Spirit

For the world’s largest construction vessel, the Pioneering Spirit from Allseas, Vuyk performed the essential hull deformation analysis on the vessel followed by the concept and detail design of the so called Hull Connection Beam (HCB). This high capacity beam serves to limit the transverse relative hull displacements so to reduce transport loads on the topside and lifting system.

The HCB is positioned forward of the Topside Lifting System operating envelope. To allow the Pioneering Spirit to be positioned around a jacket for the topside lifting operation, the two beam halves are retracted to allow the full slot width of the Pioneering Spirit to be used.

After positioning, the beams will actuate toward each other and close this impressive gap. In order to find each other in the centre, the system was designed with several actuation systems and passive guides.

The engagement of the HCB reduces the requirement for structural reinforcement of topsides due to loads induced from transport by the vessel.

Design scope

  • Vessel deflection analysis
  • Concept design
  • Detail design and engineering
  • Detail fatigue analysis